Tuesday, 22 October 2024   

ABOUT THIS SITE Welcome to Salafis.Com! There is much talk regarding Salafis and Salafiyyah in books, journals, the press and various other media. The "Salafi Way" is not something new, invented or innovated. By definition, it is the pure Islaam which the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) held onto. When the sects foretold by the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) appeared, those who took knowledge from the Companions began to verbally express the obligation of holding onto the way of (السلف الصالح), "The Righteous Predecessors." From such statements is the saying of Imaam al-Zuhree (d. 124H), "Adhere to the tracks of the Salaf, even if the people reject you. And beware of the opinions of men, even if they beautify it for you with speech." Hence, Salafiyyah is not a later innovation. Salafis are the target of sectarian bias and bigotry for many factions, from them the Raafidah, Soofiyyah, Kharijites and Takfiris, the blind-followers of the madhaahib, Secularists, Modernists and many others. As such there is a lot of propaganda in the field which is unfortunately entered into what is claimed to be "objective research". To make matters more confusing is the presence of numerous orientations falsely ascribing to Salafiyyah despite their deviations from it in their foundations and methodologies. Many of the takfiri, Khariji groups make this false ascription. This adds another layer of confusion to anyone wanting to research and understand Salafiyyah, and leads to Salafis being wrongly attributed with the iniquities of the Takfiris and Kharijites. In light of all of these realities, this website aims to provide relevant information and critical evaluation and analysis of the various views and opinions that are being scattered in books, journals, blogs, websites, audios and videos in relation to "Salafis" and "Salafiyyah".

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan on Saying 'I Am Salafi'
Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan was asked in his lesson on Sharh Fath al-Majeed (23/04/1434H) (): فضيلة الشيخ وفقكم الله يقول : يقول بعض ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan on the Claim That Salafiyyah Was a Phase That Has Come and Gone
The Shaykh was asked: There is one who says that era of the Salaf was an era (a phase) that has come and gone. His answer: It is ended in relation to him, because he does not love the Salaf and nor does he desire to traverse upon their methodology. As for Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, then ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan: Saying 'I Am Salafi' Means Following the Salaf With Precision, in Knowledge and Action
The Shaykh provided a benefit in this regard in the following words: Regarding His saying, "And the first forerunners among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with ihsaan" (9:100), meaning with precision (itqaan), and not just as a mere claim alone. So whoever says, 'I ... Read more »

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan on the Word 'Salafi' and the Claim That It Causes Separation
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked: Some of the callers in the field (of da'wah) - may Allaah guide them - say: The word 'Salafi' splitst the people, so do not say, 'I am Salafi.' The Shaykh replied: The word 'Salafi' separates between the Salafis who are upon the madhhab of the Salaf and ... Read more »

Refuting Yasir Qadhi and the Orientalists: Ibn Taymiyyah on 'Salafiyyah' Being the Prophetic Way
A 21 page article was published yesterday (22/04/2014) by Yasir Qadhi, "On Salafi Islam" in which he follows the way of Jewish and Christian Orientalists in defining 'Salafiyyah' as a modern (human) movement, lumping together "quietist reformative", "sahwah activist" and "jihadi takfiri" elements ... Read more »

Yasir Qadhi: Salafiyyah Is a Fallible Human Trend Equivalent to Historical and Modern Sects
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "So everyone who turned away from the Divine, Legislated, Prophetic, Salafi Way (الطريقة السلفية النبوية الشرعية ... Read more »

1st Open Letter to Abu Eesa Niamatullah to Make Tawbah to Allaah and Apologise for His Slanders
1st Open Letter to Abu Eesa Niamatullah to Make Tawbah to Allaah and Apologise for His Slanders Against Innocent Muslims Who Love and Venerate the Sunnah To Abu Eesa Niamatullah, as salaamu alaykum: I remind you with the speech of Allaah, the Exalted, "He does not utter any word except that ... Read more »

Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 4
Abu Eesa Niamatullah: Instability. Volatility. Contradiction. Hypocrisy (in Speech and Deed). Abu Eesa Niamatullah's 1st Article: In an article posted on Facebook on 28th August 2013 (), Abu Eesa Niamatullah slandered the thousands upon thousands who ascribe to and follow the Salafi creed and ... Read more »

Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 3
Abu Eesa Niamatullah, Oppressive Tyrannical Judgements and Playing With the Book of Allaah the Exalted On 28th August 2013 Abu Eesa Niamatullaah wrote a piece on Facebook comprising much lies, slanders and oppression (founded upon ignorance and desires) against those who not only value the Salafi ... Read more »

Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 2
Between Yasir Qadhi's Shrewdness and Abu Eesa Niamatullah's Thuggish, Brutish Intellect There is a difference between Yasir Qadhi (see , and also , , , and ) and Abu Eesa Niamatullah. Yasir Qadhi is smarter and shrewder in knowing how to play politics in the public da'wah scene in order to ... Read more »

Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 1 - Introduction
Introduction There has been an observable trend in the da'wah over the past 10 years in the form of networks of individuals and organizations whose aim is disconnect the West from having any real concrete attachment to the Scholars upon the Salafi creed and methodology, to raise themselves up ... Read more »

Yasir Qadhi, Intellectual Stimulation and Salafiyyah: Part 3c - Yasir Qadhi's Fabrication Against the Prophetic Methodology
Before we enter into the topic of this article, it is important that you have read all previous parts to this series (see , , , and ), as it is all connected and each article follows on from the previous one. Recall Yasir Qadhi's arrogance in that he considers himself of greater intellectual capacity ... Read more »

Yasir Qadhi, Intellectual Stimulation and Salafiyyah: Part 3b - the Oppression of the Rulers, Open Rejection and Demonstrations
Yasir Qadhi's Intellectual Stimulation Compared to the Prophetic Sunnah In we mentioned the speech of Ibn al-Qayyim regarding the correlation of al-qadaa wal-qadar with the Names of Allaah and His adl (justice) and hikmah (wisdom), in light of which we clarified the difference between a) the revealed ... Read more »

Is Salafiyyah Simply a Blessed Historical Time Period or Is It an Actual Jamaa'ah With a Distinct Creed and Methodology?
In previous articles, we have alluded to the fact that when there is to be found a Scholar through whom Allaah revives the authentic deen of Islaam, there will be found those who, feeling threatened by the truth, spread doubts, misconceptions and lies. Just as Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, in ... Read more »

Imaam al-Albaanee: Compelling Argument for the Usage of the Term 'Salafi'
Imaam al-Albaani (rahimahullaah) has an excellent explanation of the necessity of the term 'Salafi' in terms of the underlying conceptual reason behind it. In response to the question: لماذا التسمي بالسلفية ... Read more »

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Latest Articles
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan on Saying 'I Am Salafi'
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan on the Claim That Salafiyyah Was a Phase That Has Come and Gone
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan: Saying 'I Am Salafi' Means Following the Salaf With Precision, in Knowledge and Action
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzaan on the Word 'Salafi' and the Claim That It Causes Separation
Refuting Yasir Qadhi and the Orientalists: Ibn Taymiyyah on 'Salafiyyah' Being the Prophetic Way
Yasir Qadhi: Salafiyyah Is a Fallible Human Trend Equivalent to Historical and Modern Sects
1st Open Letter to Abu Eesa Niamatullah to Make Tawbah to Allaah and Apologise for His Slanders
Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 4
Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 3
Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 2

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Refuting Yasir Qadhi and the Orientalists: Ibn Taymiyyah on 'Salafiyyah' Being the Prophetic Way
Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 1 - Introduction
1st Open Letter to Abu Eesa Niamatullah to Make Tawbah to Allaah and Apologise for His Slanders
Shaykh Al-Albaanee on the Doubt: Allaah Has Named Us Muslims So Why Use the Label 'Salafi'?
Yasir Qadhi, Intellectual Stimulation and Salafiyyah: Part 1 - Salafiyyah by Definition Is Authentic Islam
Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan on Saying 'I Am Salafi'
Evaluating the Claim of Salafiyyah by Abu Eesa Niamatullah and His Slanders Against the Adherents to the Salafi Methodology: Part 3
Yasir Qadhi: Salafiyyah Is a Fallible Human Trend Equivalent to Historical and Modern Sects
Imaam al-Albaanee: Compelling Argument for the Usage of the Term 'Salafi'
Yasir Qadhi, Intellectual Stimulation and Salafiyyah: Part 3c - Yasir Qadhi's Fabrication Against the Prophetic Methodology

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